Sunday, March 30, 2014

Images of Addiction: Using the Body as Cultural Metaphor

faces of addiction

the Addicts Body as a Metaphor for Deviance
  •  body acts as a symbolic map for the social significance of drug use and addiction, but also DEVIANCE and SOCIAL and BODILY DISORDER
  • Turner's "Somatic Society"
    • our major political and moral problems are expressed through the conduit of the human body
    • persistence of and fascination with the addicts body 
    • What are we viewing in the Addict in light of the somatic society? (4 things)
      • effects of drug use on the body's physical integrity
      • addict is represented as occupying the margins of our society in both social and geographical terms
      • addict as "other'
      • addict as "marginal"
    • Body is conceptualized in 3 ways (Turner)
      • body as actualized in a set of social practices through which the body id constantly produced, regulated and sustained
      • the body as a system of "signs" (symbolic significance)
      • body stands for and expresses the relations of power within a given society
  • Metaphors of drug use:
    • disease
    • demonization
      • criminality, sex & drugs
    • weakness
    • flaw
    • contagions (boundary violation -Douglas)
      • blood borne illnesses like HIV
      • blood outside the body with needles piercing into it
    • decay
      • breakdown of the skin, teeth, veins and other organs
      • seen as an example of how the body can be understood as a set of maps and metaphors for the wider social body, as the ravaged body of the addict is dipicted in ways that aim to discipline and to promote anti-drug messages
      • the body in our society has BECOME A PROBLEM which needs to be regulated. this is just one example
  • Women & Drug Metaphors:Victims who posses little or no autonomous power or agency
    • reflects key themes that area associated with women in other contexts and narratives
      • vulnerability
      • sexual availability and unreliability
      • drug use as something done to them (usually by men)
      • decay and threat of decay of natural physical state of the body (including beauty and youth)
    • Vampire metaphor: victims injected by their lovers, pale, sunken cheeks, haunted look of despair & self-loathing
      • high is better than sex
      • symbolic prison of addiction and dependency
  • Ciminality & the threat at the MARGINS
    • dont let drug dealers change the face of your neighborhood
    • transitional cityscape: link between drug use, urban spaces and decaying social order
    • images are dark and seedy  "othering"

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